Consultant Orthopaedic and Arthroscopy Surgeon

Marcus Green  trained at Birmingham medical school.  He left in 1987 having obtained both the medical degrees and a first class honours degree in pathology as well  as having been awarded the Birmingham University Faculty of Science and Engineering prize for excellence following his research into drug treatment of sickle cell disease.  He was a lecturer in anatomy at the university of Bristol 1988 to 1989. Having completed his basic training in surgery and achieved the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1991 he undertook two years of surgical research before being appointed to the Birmingham Orthopaedic training programme. He achieved the Fellowship in orthopaedic and trauma surgery in 1998 being fully accredited and recognized  as an orthopaedic specialist in 1999. Having been trained by the local knee and shoulder experts during his training he was also appointed honorary lecturer in Surgery to the University of Birmingham for the period 1998 - 1999. He was appointed as consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon  between University Hospital Birminghamand the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in 1999 before becoming fully employed at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in January 2003.  He has actively been involved in the care of Prehospital trauma and holds the Diploma in Immediate medical care.

He is currently the Birmingham University Sub dean for orthopaedic undergraduate teaching and organizes the orthopaedic teaching of the medical students at the university. He also trains orthopaedic doctors and Gp's with an interest in orthopaedics .

His research has included collaboration  with international units such as the National Institutes of Health in the USA. He has been the author or co author of 6 book chapters and 15 publications in peer reviewed journals as well as presenting over 38 presentations at national and international conferences.

His NHS practice is based at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital where he operates for two days each week as well as running two knee and shoulder clinics.
He has flown hot air balloons competitively in his spare time for 14 years at both national and international level and has represented Great Britain in both European and World Championships.